about Nadia Vanilla
Nadia is an artist from Phoenix, Arizona in the United States. She holds a BA in anthropology, with a minor in art history. Her work focuses on what it means to be human, with her subjects being primarily portraits and erotic figure drawings.She has always been inspired by the inner worlds of her subjects – what makes her characters tick, what they’re thinking about the situations they are faced with. She draw the moments no one ever sees – the ones that take place behind closed doors, or even in the hidden recesses of the subject’s mind.
Her work aims to break down the barriers between the internal world and the external, between the taboo and the “appropriate,” between public and private.
She tend to create mostly black and white works, with a heavy hand on the light and shadow, although currently, Nadia is experimenting with color in the form of ink and watercolors.
Beautiful photography.. I love how you capture the simple beauty of the model through use of contrast, creative lighting and pure skill.. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us by posting it here..