Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Hello! Thank you so much for building this website. I agree that the human body is not something to be ashamed of, instead we should celebrated its beauty and learn to appreciate... more
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about Mattman



Thank you so much for building this website. I agree that the human body is not something to be ashamed of, instead we should celebrated its beauty and learn to appreciate our differences.

My name is Mattman and I am a young artist from Belgium.

I have a unbelievable love for drawing human bodies. It is so different form drawing a landscape, an animal or even something abstract. Because people have a soul and emotions that can be expressed in the smallest muscle or posture.

What makes me even more happy is to see that people who pose nude for my art, all seem to enjoy it and grow from it.
With all the photo shopped models and magazines telling you how you should look, nobody actually looks at her- or himself anymore without comparing.
We all develop this twisted view of yourself, like it is never good enough.
It is better to observe your body as a whole to realize why it is built that way and that all the proportions make sense. Change one thing and the harmonie falls apart. You would not be you anymore.

With my art I hope to create a new kind of mirror to make people realize how amazing they look and to help them get that confidence.

I make graffiti and oil paintings on recycled material that I find in the city. It is an attempt to clean the streets but also because I love the raw materials and the fact that they have a history. I paint on old windows, metal plates, broken tables, … to give new life to something that had no value anymore.​​

In my line drawings I am searching for minimalism. What lines do I need to form a figure/person and if I leave out some parts, will the viewer complete the image with his/her imagination?

I hope you enjoy discovering my artwork.

Feel free to write me about any ideas or questions.



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  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

    • Thank you very much Guy. I see great beauty and dedication in your pictures. Stunning work! Greetings from Belgium.

  • Heel mooi werk!

  • Hello Mattman -

    Sorry, it took me so long to get back to you. 've been out of town for most of the time since you started following my work.

    Anyway, I want to thank you for showing your appreciating. I find it really gratifying when someone from the community recognizes the photos that I post here on Mode Society.

    Thanks again,


  • A lovely style here !

  • Your work is amazing

  • Hi Mattman
    Great to see your work on this site - respecting both people and the environment - good on you! I like your portfolio very much!
    Best wishes