about J. Carson Barnes
I’ve been making photographs, prints, and combining techniques for more than four decades, and painting since childhood. Under Fritz Janschka at Bryn Mawr and Haverford and with Chris Johnson at California College of the Arts, I hold a BA in fine arts and an MFA. My work is in private collections in many of the United States, as well as private collections in several European countries, and one museum permanent collection. https://www.facebook.com/Carson-Barnes-Fine-Prints-251339921579077/?ref=bookmarks
Long ago, I worked with a few creative models, making photosilkscreen prints with their images. Since 2014, I’ve been photographing and “bringing to life” female portrait statues, these women mostly now unknown. Childbirth was often fatal, disease rampant, war, literally, on the horizon; women maintained society and civilization, expecting to leave no legacy. They were mostly brave, courageous, and valiant. Immortalized in stone but forgotten, it’s my work to find out who they, and their sculptors, were.
I am their medium and they are my calling. Their stories matter. This is the time to honor these women who laughed, raged, were inspired, and loved.
I depict them to celebrate them. I remember them to honor them.
I hope you, in your turn, cannot forget them.
You have a beautiful portfolio. I wish you great success on your noble artistic mission!
Thank you. Next show of any size is September in Columbus GA at the university there.
Congratulations! I wish you the best!
Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is fantastic! We can't wait to see what you create in the community. Let us know if we can help with anything!