Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

David Bollt

Artist / Photographer
Model Citizen
My work is driven by this conviction... There is something healing in quality art. It returns our shared humanity to its rightful place as a subject of fine art contemplation. The... more
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David Bollt



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David Bollt Model Citizen

about David Bollt


My work is driven by this conviction... There is something healing in quality art. It returns our shared humanity to its rightful place as a subject of fine art contemplation. The celebration of human beauty makes the world a better place for us all.

I have been involved with so many different creative communities and have worked with all kinds of artists. When I started working with models, I was not only inspired to create some of the best work of my life, but I also discovered a culture and community that was the most exciting creative community I have ever encountered.

Let's create images that take people's breath away. Let's create beauty that transforms how people see themselves and each other. Most people are not paying attention... Let's show them how beautiful the world really is.


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  • Very lovely work.

  • Incredible work. Gorgeous set of images.

  • I believe i've come across the OG of MS? If so, thank you for this. This site is such an inspiration to do good work, and above all, to get better. Thank you.

    • Hey James, That's me :) bit off a bit more than I could chew but I'm really proud of the community and all the great art. Thanks for being part of it! I'm enjoying your work.

  • Really enjoy all the work you share with all of us. Believe the tarot card project is yours - if so is there a way to purchase a set of the cards?

  • hello david, i to admire your work, you have so,e beautiful images. i just love the angel on the cover of the magazine...

    • Thanks Gayle! Some of what I see in your work seems to come from a similar universe that I go to. :) So cool to see what you're doing.

  • you shot great frames, some of them get added value by impressive post processing.

  • Love the angel David

  • David,

    I have known and worked with one of your newest members, Meta MacLaren, since 2014. Over the years, she has been one of the more frequent visitors to my studio. As her profile indicates, she is a professional classic dancer and dance teacher. It has been only recently that she decided to branch out into art modeling - this, after many conversations where I have attempted to provide her some guidance. It was I who recommended she join to gain exposure in the art modeling "marketplace." (Yes, as much as we adore our art, it is, after all, a marketplace".) It seems to be working - her book has been on ModelSociety for about a week now and she already has followers from Denmark, Switzerland, South

    In all the years we have collaborated (and she is a fantastic collaborator; her idea cup runneth over), all our work has been in studio. Until recently, that is. Just a few weeks ago, we did our first location shoot as the first image in my book shows.

    • That's amazing. This is what Model Society is all about -- connecting and collaborating to further our exploration of art in the human form. So glad to hear she's having a good experience and that we get to see her wonderful work here.

  • Thank you for the follow, really love the conceptual depth of your portfolio and would love to work together someday!

  • Thank You Very Very Much for taking the time to look at my work, and for choosing to follow me, it's an Incredible Honour!!! Your portfolio is inspiring and impressive, you have some truly powerful and emotive work!! And Thank You for creating such an Amazing Community, where Art can shine!!!!

    • Thanks for the kind words! So glad to have you here as part of the community :)

  • Great works !!!

  • Great portfolio! Thank you

  • Your portfolio is amazing! Thank you for following me :)

  • Lovely portfolio! Thank you for taking the time to check out mine!

  • Lots of creative energy in your portfolio, very well done!

    • Thanks Dave! Glad to hear you can feel what I'm putting into it. Loving your work too. Happy to see it here.

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