about Castillo Studios
Comic books, graphic novels, and film noir are the main influences of my inspiration for the creation of my images. Illuminative, darkness, surreal, edgy, emotive and whimsical, are some descriptors that come to mind when viewing my work. Along with dramatic use of light, shadow, contrast and color, I thrive on the symbiotic relationship of the model and photographer to create stunning artistic images. I feel that my work is more painterly than photographic, as I am enamored by the works of Dali, Escher, Monet, Degas. I love making art, I am not content with just taking pictures. I passionately construct these images as a painter would ardently compose a painting, layer upon layer onto stretched canvas. To me, it is more about the image itself: the emotion of it, the formal composition, the colors, and the feelings that you get from looking at the image. What it makes you think of, and what it means to you as opposed to how it was made.
gorgeous body of work