Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
Andrew Chambers is an artist and truck driver who lives in Muncie, Indiana, when he is not on the road with his wife, Lisa. He grew up in the small town of Rensselaer, Indiana and... more
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Andrew Chambers



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Andrew Chambers Model Citizen

about Andrew Chambers


Andrew Chambers is an artist and truck driver who lives in Muncie, Indiana, when he is not on the road with his wife, Lisa. He grew up in the small town of Rensselaer, Indiana and showed an interest in fine arts from an early age. In 2001 he earned his BFA from Ball State University. John P. Gee was his faculty mentor and he specialized in drawing.

Trucking pushed me into the realm of landscape photography. The Southwest has particularly taken my interest. Growing up in Indiana, the Southwest seemed as foreign as Mars. I remember my first trip out West, entering Utah from Wyoming on Interstate 80. The landscape seemed magical and I wanted to photograph it. I was a bit of a darkroom geek in high school but only took one photography class in college. However, I have always loved photography. I have taken tens of thousands of photographs since I began driving in 2008.

I stated shooting nudes for drawing and painting reference while still in college. As my comfort with digital photography grew, I began hiring models to pose for photo shoots. These images were intended to be used for art reference. But occasionally one in every 50 photos or so was good enough to be a standalone work of art. I still do not see myself as a photographer, but more of a mixed media artist who works with photography more and more. As much as I still love drawing and painting the figure, nude photography is beginning to become my favorite method of art making.


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  • Your whole portfolio is a wongerful splash of colour!

  • Bravo! Awesome portfolio, great art both in photography and painting.

  • You have a wonderful painting style, and I love how you’ve stylistically incorporated your photos in such a unique fashion. I often feel that my works is stylistically all over the place, but you’ve managed to put your stamp on your work in such a way that is uniquely yours. Well done!

  • Great portfolio. I like your mixed media concept.

    • Thank you so much. I feel like the mixed media was a good turning point in my work.

  • Thank you for the comments. These were made in March 2012, and it was nippy with a stiff breeze. She was a great model.

  • Thanks for the nice comment.

  • I absolutely love your work! The colors are amazing!

  • Thank you for using my image in your favorites!

  • Thanks for the honor!

  • You have the best of two worlds : painting and photography .You can add two more: the nude and the landscapes of Utah !! with a life time to enjoy it all !

  • Very creative.

  • Thank you for following our work. It makes us proud.

  • Highly creative and original body of work.

  • Thanks for the follow - great work you do!