Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I am a portrait photographer because I'm interested in capturing reality and emotion from a person. The essence of what makes each of us different. Yet, to me a portrait isn't only a... more
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about royleeb


I am a portrait photographer because I'm interested in capturing reality and emotion from a person. The essence of what makes each of us different. Yet, to me a portrait isn't only a photograph of a person, it's the soul and life of a moment in time. It can be a place, a feeling, or idea.

I was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I love being from Oklahoma, it's my blood, but I also love not being there now and could never live there again. The world is massive, and I've always been drawn to seeing as much as possible. I've always been interested in creativity, whether it be writing, making music, or "taking pictures". However, it was my time at Oklahoma State University that introduced me to new experiences, opportunities, and began to take me from taking pictures to loving photography and creating art. My fourth year of university was spent studying in Osaka, Japan at 関西外国語大学 aka 関西外大 (Kansai Gaidai) and it changed everything for me. The way that I saw the world, people, and photography changed. It's the most beautiful place I'd ever seen. I can also remember being like a kid in a candy store as I walked into Yodobashi Camera (a massively huge electronics store), and trying out every type of film I'd never heard of . I still have a shoebox full of my negatives and prints of my year abroad; digital wasn't something I picked up until a few years later.

Creativity is at the core of who I am, be it through music or photography. Creativity is about translating the world as we see it to express and communicate who we are with others and ourselves.


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  • Greetings, I too am a Model Society member and want to let you know about a photoshoot I am hosting in Colorado Springs May 25. The shoot site is a fabulous location, Sun Peaks Center for Art and Sustainability, with amazing natural surroundings and equally amazing indoor settings. The genre for the shoot is nude and implied nude. There will be two models, Chelsea Marie and Everyn Darling, from Denver. Both are wonderfully talented and experienced models. The shoot schedule will include two 2-hour shoots with each model. There is a limit of four photographers. The cost is $475 for the day to cover model costs and other expenses. Please let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions. You can also reach me via email:

    Thanks, Kurt Meredith (KSM)

  • Do you still shoot film? Love the depth of your work!

    • Thank you and I do. I very rarely am on here so please check me out on instagram @royleebphoto.