Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Drew Smith

Artist / Photographer
I grew up in the countryside where I spent my days fishing in streams, brooks and rivers and then doing exactly the same thing on our family holidays, which were taken in southern... more
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Drew Smith



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Drew Smith

about Drew Smith


I grew up in the countryside where I spent my days fishing in streams, brooks and rivers and then doing exactly the same thing on our family holidays, which were taken in southern Ireland.

My other great passion as a boy was sport, and I was blessed by living a stones throw away from a 20 acre sports ground which nurtured my passion for football, golf and athletics.

At home we kept animals too; some with 4 legs, some with 2 and always had vegetables and fruit growing in the garden. All in all a wonderful upbringing in a time of seemingly innocent and uncomplicated joy.

Professionally I entered the world of Marketing and Design as a youngster, before striking out on my own to found a Company in my late twenties. I've been ‘my own boss’ (never strictly true) ever since.

Alongside my career I have continued a passion for the arts; painting and writing, which began back in primary school.

I have sold articles to publications and on occasion sold a few paintings. I have mysteriously won awards for design in a number of fields and, never good at leaving well enough alone, I adopted Photography as a perfect adjunct to my artistic inclinations.

I could claim that photography became another form of expressing my view of the world, but that wouldn't be true - I just like taking photographs. My style (if I have one) is to look for the slightly unconventional wherever possible.

In becoming a ‘freelance photographer’ without needing to live off the income it generated I am free to pursue whichever photographic styles and subjects excite and inspire me.

Thank you for looking in and all the best.

Drew Smith


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  • Inspirational work. I'm going to have to try some of these styles.

  • Thanks for the comments on my profile Drew! As I mentioned I am a member of the Mutual Admiration Society too. Love your images thematically, and the execution and choice of models is superb.

  • I love how your images are a wonderful balance of nature and beauty. Your obvious talent and skilled use of lighting allow the canvas to come to life and speak to the viewer.. Excellent blend of harmony, beauty and grace.. thank you for sharing your obvious talent..

  • Wow your in Nottingham annnnd I love your work.....well if you need a local girl please contact me.....I spend a lot of time in the beautiful woods behind where I live consulting with the only thing that makes sense these days.....trees !!!

  • stunning work!