Model Society

a celebration of human beauty


Artist / Photographer
Model Citizen
Artist’s statement Photography is understood in innumerable ways. It might be considered primarily a tool used in professional work such as photojournalism, the fashion industry,... more
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Axiaelitrix Model Citizen

about Axiaelitrix


Artist’s statement

Photography is understood in innumerable ways. It might be considered primarily a tool used in professional work such as photojournalism, the fashion industry, event work, or advertising. Some might consider it a diversion or a hobby. Others perceive photography foremost as an art, and that view is the one I hold.

No matter what I photograph, whether it be nature, an object, or a person, my attention and purpose rest, as appropriate, upon matters of symbol, narrative, or expression in my photographs. I invite the viewer to ask, “What is different about the art subject portrayed in this photograph from the real subject that it is outside the photograph?” Or, to give another example, “What is this person expressing through this photograph that might not be expressed otherwise in real life?” “How is this figure as a photograph evocative beyond what it is or might be in an extra-artistic context?” These are among the questions and the curiosity that guide my art.

Photography is an adventure of discovery and exploration of human sensibility, and I want to share that adventure with my subjects through photographs. Where do we want to go, what do we want to see, what do we want to disclose? What do we fear, hope, love? To consider these questions, or to pose new ones, come with me. Let us walk through the art space of photography together.


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  • Wonderful body of work. Thanks for sharing.

  • Simple and beautiful!

  • What an incredible portfolio. So happy to have found your work. Exemplifies what it means to have a vision and execute it through your work. Very inspiring.

  • I continue to be awed by your work xo

  • Great work I'm planning to visit Chicago hop we can work together

  • Nice work. Do check my profile. Thanks

  • Beautiful black and white nude studies

  • My humble thanks for the gallery adds!

  • Thanks for you feedback.... I also really like your diverse choice of models, you make all shapes, sizes and conditions look beautiful

  • Your portfolio is a superior showcase for the unequaled glory that is the female form. Truly moving and inspiring work!

  • Axiaelitrix Photography -

    Thank you for your comment on the Twins. I think that it' a kind of synergy at work with some ambiguity thrown in between the two models. But as is often the case the meaning is in the eye of the beholder.

    Thanks again,


    Thanks again

  • Thanks for appreciating my photos.

  • Thank you so much for adding one of my images to your gallery!

  • Thankyou...

  • Thank you for taking the time to view my portfolio and adding one of my images to your gallery, much appreciated. Ted

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