Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I am an experienced and creative model, as well as being an avid fan of the artistic and fashion photography genres. I'm inspired by photography, and my motivation for doing what I do... more
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Mea Culpa



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Mea Culpa

about Mea Culpa


I am an experienced and creative model, as well as being an avid fan of the artistic and fashion photography genres. I'm inspired by photography, and my motivation for doing what I do is to create beautiful and strong imagery. I have worked across Australia and Japan, and have been published in Australia, in the US and in Europe.

I rarely work on a very selective TF basis, with very experienced photographers whose work I admire, and for publication. It is very rare these days that I do TF nude work, because I have more nudes than my portfolio could possibly hold. If it isn't editorial work it is unlikely that I will accept a TF proposal.

Otherwise, I take paid assignments, and my rates are both reasonable and flexible. Do let me know what your budget is and I will try and accommodate for you as much as I can. Please note that I will not work for "future joint sale profits".

I have worked with seasoned professionals and amateur students, and I love the experience either way. I bring an ability to pose, an understanding of light and a friendly, patient personality to the table.

I am capable of doing my own hair and make up, in a natural or simple style, should that be required, and I am equally capable of cooperating effectively with a full team. I prefer to have a team to work with when we have a complex idea in mind.

I have no body piercings and no tattoos. My skin is very pale.

*I am growing out my fringe. The length of it is still waist length.* I keep my hair very long and hennaed red. I do not cut my hair since my photographers prefer it long, but I will allow it to be colored with temporary dyes. It cannot be bleached. I often model for hair styling assignments and really enjoy seeing what hair stylists can do with my tresses.


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  • Your love and passion for the art really shines. @guycarnegie

  • A pleasure to see you here!